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【営業時間】月〜土 8:30〜19:00 日・祝定休



  • j$k5270367j$k

    Are you struggling with subject-verb agreement in your writing? As a class 6 student, it is important to master the basics of grammar, and subject-verb agreement is one of the most fundamental concepts to grasp. Luckily, with a bit of practice, anyone can learn to use subject-verb agreement with ease.

    Here are a few exercises to help you improve your skills with subject-verb agreement:

    1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb:

    a) The cat and the dog (is/are) playing in the garden.

    b) My mom (is/are) cooking dinner for us.

    c) The books on the shelf (needs/need) to be organized.

    d) The new teacher (teach/teaches) math and science.

    e) My favorite movies (is/are) action films.

    2. Identify the correct form of the verb:

    a) The group of friends (is/are) planning a picnic.

    b) The delicious smell of food (is/are) making me hungry.

    c) My sister and I (is/are) going to the park.

    d) The boy with the red shirt (play/plays) basketball well.

    e) The team (plays/play) football every Saturday.

    3. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the verb:

    a) The cat and the dog playing in the garden.

    The cat and the dog are playing in the garden.

    b) My mom cooking dinner for us.

    My mom is cooking dinner for us.

    c) These shoes needs to be polished.

    These shoes need to be polished.

    d) The new teacher teaches math and science.

    The new teacher teaches math and science.

    e) My favorite movie is action films.

    My favorite movies are action films.

    By practicing these exercises on subject-verb agreement, you will find it easier to use the correct verb form in your writing. Remember that subject-verb agreement is essential to effectively communicate your ideas. With a bit of effort, you can become a master of grammar and writing!

  • j$k5058045j$k

    An agency agreement is a legal contract between two parties where one party (the principal) hires another party (the agent) to act on their behalf in business transactions. The agreement outlines the parameters of the relationship, including the duties of the agent and the compensation they will receive. It is important to note that an agency agreement may not be terminated without following certain procedures.

    It is common for agency agreements to have a clause that outlines the circumstances under which the agreement may be terminated. However, this does not mean that termination can occur at any time or without proper cause. Both parties must adhere to the terms of the agreement, and if either party breaches the agreement, the other party may have grounds for termination.

    In some cases, an agency agreement may have a fixed term, meaning that the agreement will automatically terminate at the end of a specified date or upon the completion of a specific project. However, if the agreement is open-ended, it may require one party to provide advance notice of termination, often referred to as a notice period.

    The notice period is typically outlined in the agency agreement and is usually designed to give both parties time to prepare for the end of the relationship. During this time, the agent may be required to continue providing their services as outlined in the agreement, while the principal may be required to pay the agent for their remaining services.

    It is worth noting that in some cases, an agency agreement may not be terminated at all. This is often the case when the agreement is considered irrevocable. An irrevocable agency agreement is one where the agent has been given a specific power or authority that cannot be withdrawn by the principal. This type of agreement is often seen in the context of legal matters, such as power of attorney.

    In conclusion, an agency agreement is a legal contract that outlines the relationship between the principal and agent. The agreement may include a termination clause, but even if it does, termination must be carried out in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is important to remember that in some cases, an agency agreement may not be terminated at all, particularly if the agreement is considered irrevocable. As such, it is essential to carefully review and understand the terms of any agency agreement before signing on the dotted line.


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